== Cluster Changelog == = 2.2.2: Nov 12, 2021 = * Fixes dropdown menus not showing up * Other minor code changes = 2.2.1: June 18, 2020 = * Fixes mobile menu not showing up issue. = 2.2.0: June 11, 2020 = * Migrate metaboxes, shortcodes & widgets to assistant plugin. * Fix escaping & translation issues. * Update Gutenberg Support. * Fix audio & video post format player error. * Fix other minor issues. * Updated Google Fonts. * Updated translation text-domain from stag to cluster. = 2.0.4: Jan 02, 2019 = * Compability with WordPress 5.0+ * Updated Google fonts library * Updated recommended plugin versions = 2.0.3: Aug 03, 2018 = * Compability with Gutenberg v3.4 = 2.0.2: May 02, 2018 = * Added compatibility with Gutenberg * Updated Google fonts library * Compatible with WordPress 4.9+ = 2.0.1: March 06, 2018 = * Fix Portfolio/Skill archive not showing correct number of posts * Remove deprecated function calls, compatible upto PHP7.2+ = 2.0.0: March 23, 2017 = * Refresh design elements and updated typography * All settings moved under Appearance > Customize * Introduce different approach for widgetized pages, create a page with 'Widgetized' template and a sidebar area will be created automatically * Added more controls under 'Static Content Widget' * Tweaked Instagram/Flickr widget * Tweaked several default WordPress widget styles * Use default WordPress titles, drop custom functions * Improved custom widgets * Updated WordPress editor styles * Tweaked content area styles * Added compability with Elementor plugin * Updated translation files * Compatible up to WordPress 4.7+ = 1.8: September 26, 2016 = * Compatible up to WordPress 4.6+ * Updated TGMPA library * Fix PHP strict error under widgets * Use lesser buttons for WordPress rich editor in Theme Settings * Use inline CSS for custom CSS instead of custom PHP file = 1.7: September 26, 2015 = * Update for WordPress 4.3 compatibility = 1.6.7: April 27, 2015 = * XSS vulnerability check - https://make.wordpress.org/plugins/2015/04/20/fixing-add_query_arg-and-remove_query_arg-usage/ * Updated TGM Plugin Activation library = 1.6.6: Jan 2, 2015 = * Updated documentation/support link(s) = 1.6.5: 05 September, 2014 = * Simplified query for portfolio * Improve featured portfolio widget = 1.6.4: 19 July, 2014 = * Fix localisation issue * Remove deprecated function = 1.6.3: 27 May, 2014 = * style.css - Updated version number * functions.php - Set the content width properly for full width pages, better compatibility with JetPack = 1.6.2: 16 May, 2014 = * style.css - Updated version number * functions.php - Updated script CDN links = 1.6.1: 21 January, 2014 = * style.css - Fixes an issue with portfolio filter styling on mobile phones = 1.6: 21 January, 2014 = * style.css - updated version number and add few styles * assets/js/jquery.custom.js - Fixed a bug with portfolio filters, where it appeared even if there are no portfolio elements * functions.php - Fixed a bug with portfolio filters, where it appeared even if there are no portfolio elements * template-portfolio.php - Fixed a bug with portfolio filters, where it appeared even if there are no portfolio elements * /framework - Updated framework to latest version = 1.5.3: 14 December, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * functions.php - fixed an fatal error when plugin is not active = 1.5.2: 27 November, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * functions.php - Tweaks for mobile navigation icon * assets/js/jquery.custom.js - Tweaks for mobile navigation icon = 1.5.1: 19 November, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * assets/js/jquery.custom.js - Fix mobile navigation icon = 1.5: 05 November, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * Improved: New menu icon - assets/js/jquery.custom.js * New: Compatible with Stag Custom Sidebars Plugin (http://wordpress.org/plugins/stag-custom-sidebars/) * New: New widgetized template to use with Stag Custom Sidebars plugin - template-widgetized.php = 1.4.4: 22 October, 2013 = * style.css * functions.php * helpers/helper-background.php * includes/options/styling-options.php - Fixed an issue with Google Web Font = 1.4.3: 03 October, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * includes/meta/portfolio-meta.php - fixed an issue with multiple file selection * functions.php * framework/ - fixed an issue with multiple file selection = 1.4.2: 01 October, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * assets/shortcodes.css - updated styling for intro shortcode * helpers/helper-background.php - fixed an issue with header background on blog page * includes/options/styling-options.php - styles for twitter widget * includes/options/site-settings.php * includes/options/portfolio-settings.php ** New Files ** * taxonomy-skill.php - taxonomy archives = 1.4.1: 28 September, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * functions.php - Updated comment relative dates function * template-contact.php - Localized missing strings * helpers/helper-background.php - replace existing method to use image ids from gallery * includes/meta/page-meta.php - change type 'file' to 'images' * includes/meta/portfolio-meta.php - change type 'date' to 'text', was non-functional in 1.4 * includes/options/portfolio-settings.php - change type 'file' to 'files' to select multiple images * includes/options/site-settings.php - change type 'file' to 'files' to select multiple images = 1.4: 23 September, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * NEW: StagFramework v2, Compatible and requires plugin StagTools to work * NOTE: Full replace of files and folder are required = 1.3.5: 30 August, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * assets/js/jquery.custom.js - initialize isotope before adding items via load more button * helpers/helper-background.php - Fixed a bug where portfolio page template wasn't fallbacking to default header settings * includes/options/styling-options.php - Fixed a bug where portfolio page template wasn't fallbacking to default header settings = 1.3.4: 27 August, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * template-contact.php - Updated error messages * includes/options/general-settings.php - removed unused post excerpt options * functions.php - removed unused post excerpt function * single-portfolio.php - better localisation support * assets/js/jquery.custom.js - fixed a bug with portfolio filters where new items were not animating = 1.3.3: 26 June, 2013 = ** Updated File(s) ** * includes/widgets/widget-twitter.php - separate twitter auth class to separate file * includes/widgets/widget-services.php - better translation support * template-contact.php - better translation support ** New file(s) ** * includes/widgets/twitteroauth.php = 1.3.2: 17 June, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * functions.php - fixed an issue with duplicate portfolio items when clicking on load more * includes/widgets/widget-services.php - allowed HTML for service boxes on homepage = 1.3.1: 12 June, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * includes/widgets/widget-twitter.php - updated compatibility with twitter api v1.1 * includes/theme-shortcodes.php - open social links in new tab = 1.3: 5 June, 2013 = * single-portfolio.php - check if portfolio image is blank * includes/widgets/widget-latest-post.php - fixed a bug with tag on homepage = 1.2: 25 May, 2013 = ** New File(s) ** * template-full-width.php * template-archives.php ** Updated File(s) ** * style.css - updated version number * helpers/helper-background.php - added stripslashes() for title and subtitle * includes/meta/portfolio-meta.php - added metabox for opening projects links in new window * single-portfolio.php - open project URLs in new window (optional) * functions.php - added portfolio thumbnail size = 1.1.2: 13 May, 2013 = * jquery.custom.js - applied .fitVids() for homepage * includes/widgets/widget-latest-post.php - using get_template_part() function to display content * style.css - fixed video player styles, update version number = 1.1.1: 13 May, 2013 = * includes/meta/page-meta.php - fixed a problem with post header color * style.css - updated version number = 1.1: 2 May, 2013 = ** New File(s) ** * includes/widgets/widget-featured-portfolio.php ** Updated File(s) ** * includes/init.php - require widget-featured-portfolio.php * assets/js/jquery.custom.js - Fixes a problem with Portfolio preview auto scroll * style.css - changed version number, footer twitter widget styling = 1.0.1: 25 April, 2013 = * assets/js/jquery.custom.js - Auto scroll when clicked on portfolio preview expand * style.css - fixed accent color issue with more-link = 1.0: 23 April, 2013 = * Initial Release