== GeekLove Changelog == = 3.2.0: January 30, 2023 = * Added self-updating Google fonts library * Added widget editor style selector control at Theme options * Added PHP 8 compatibility * Updated assistant plugin to v1.1.0 * Compatibility up to WordPress 6.1.x * Improved theme options at Customizer * Improve Google font getters * Improved block editor support * Fix templates for markup issues * Fix incorrect $event variable at Single event template * Fix undefined slug warnings due to incomplete editor color palette * Fix incorrect wp_enqueue usage * Fix chosen dropdown’s overflow getting hidden * Fix invalid way of keeping subset options * Replace deprecated strip_tags(), query_posts() functions * Replace deprecated global $page variable overrides * Remove Google fonts local lib * Remove migrated legacy options table stag_framework_values * Remove unused code & error silencing * Other minor improvements = 3.1.2: December 18, 2020 = * Fix undefined callback for stag_to_slug() at widgets * Fix RSVP form input styles issue * Update Google Fonts Library - 30+ new fonts * Update assistant plugin * Updated block editor support * Enable comments on pages * Other minor improvements = 3.1.1: June 26, 2020 = * Fix undefined callback for stag_check_third_party_seo() = 3.1.0: June 22, 2020 = * Add new Geeklove Assistant plugin, includes CPTs, widgets, metaboxes & shortcodes from theme, and is now required to use Geeklove with its full features * Add new wp_body_open hook * Fix translation errors & change text-domain to theme slug * Fix escaping and sanitization issues * Drop Stag Blocks plugin support * Update Google Fonts Library - includes 75+ new fonts = 3.0.2: Jan 03, 2019 = * Compatibility with WordPress 5.0+ * Updated Google fonts library * Update recommended plugins = 3.0.1: Aug 03, 2018 = * Compatibility with Gutenberg v3.4 * Tweak Gutenberg editor styles * Update Google fonts library = 3.0.0: April 04, 2018 = * Added compatibility with Gutenberg * Moved theme settings under Appearance > Customize * Improve mobile menu performance, by listening to lazy resize method * Increased theme performance * Refreshed Google font theme library, now choose from over 800+ font in Customizer * Supports upto PHP v7.2 = 2.2: Jan 11, 2018 = * Require password form for gallery page template * Update editor style based on TwentySeventeen for better editing experience * Fix missing text domain(s) * Remove wp_title uses, and add support for title-tag * Added support for selective refresh widgets * Fix Event CPT not displaying right data in admin columns * Fix countdown height in some cases * Updated lightbox.js * Fix Modernizr dependency for dropdown.js * Ensure PHP 5.4+ compatibility, works upto PHP 7.2 * Optimize images, and replace old codestag favicon * Remove version generators = 2.1.3: Oct 24, 2017 = * New: Added Post password protection for single gallery pages * Fix: Resize images properly once gallery images are loaded * Fix: Gallery Widget class name * Added: Support for Google font subsets or languages * Improved: Theme Options screen * Updated: Isotope v3.0.4 and Backstretch v2.1.15 * Updated: Translation file(s) * Updated: TGM plugin activation library to v2.6.1 = 2.1.2: April 01, 2016 = * Compatible upto WordPress 4.5 * Updated TGM Plugin Activation library = 2.1.1: March 8, 2016 = * Added option to filter message for RSVP widget in widget settings * Fixed a fatal error with twitter widget * Tweaked editor in Theme options to show fewer buttons * Updated jQuery Countdown library * Updated TGM Plugin Activation library = 2.1: August 25, 2015 = * Fix PHP constructor errors since WordPress 4.3 * Fixed twitter widget broken after StagTools 2.0 update * Updated TGMPA library = 2.0.7: Apr 27, 2015 = * XSS vulnerability check - https://make.wordpress.org/plugins/2015/04/20/fixing-add_query_arg-and-remove_query_arg-usage/ * Updated TGM Plugin Activation library = 2.0.6: Jan 2, 2015 = * Updated documentation link = 2.0.5: Oct 21, 2014 = * Fix: Broken caption in photo galleries * Updated lightbox library script = 2.0.4: Oct 21, 2014 = * Fix: Make sure RSVP messages are not publicly available = 2.0.3: 19 July, 2014 = * Fixed an issue with localization = 2.0.2: 02 July, 2014 = * Fix: Issue with 'Not Attending' RSVP message not visible when there is only 1 event * New: 'rsvp_success_message' filter for modifying the RSVP message * Few fixes and tweaks * Changed file(s): - style.css - functions.php - includes/widgets/homepage-rsvp.php - includes/widgets/static-content.php - includes/cpt/rsvp.php = 2.0.1: 29 April, 2014 = * Fix: Remove extra space from text domain preventing string to translate (h/t @omathieu) * Fix: Wrong label for contact form message field (h/t @omathieu) * Fix: Countdown not working in Safari * Updated: Update countdown script to latest version * Changed file(s): - functions.php - template-contact.php - languages/ - assets/js/jquery.countdown.js - includes/options/styling-options.php - includes/theme-customizer.php - page-templates/template-contact.php = 2.0: 06 March, 2014 = * New: Adds compatibility with WPML * New: Adds compatibility with Gravity Forms * New: 'Section: Static Content' widget to display content from any page * New: Single pages for Photo Gallery * New: Captions for gallery lighbox * New: Added option for 'Not attending' in RSVP form * New: Added option for 'Not attending' in RSVP form * New: Added 'Max number of guests allowed' and 'Button label' option in 'RSVP Form' Widget * Improve: Removed JS scripts for dropdown, in favor of CSS * Improve: Contact form error handling * Improve: RSVP Widget, added option for number of allowed guests * Improve: Widgets compatibility with Stag Custom Sidebars plugin * Tweak: Rewritten widget class base * Tweak: Updated plugin scripts * Tweak: Inject custom css into head instead of making a new HTTP request * Refractor: Removed unused functions, huge performance improvements = 1.2.9: 23 January, 2014 = * style.css - Updated version number * functions.php - Fixed an issue with relative comments data * languages/ - Update localisation files = 1.2.8: 06 January, 2014 = * style.css - Updated version number * assets/js/jquery.custom.js - Added RSVP widget ajax submission * functions.php - Added RSVP widget ajax submission * includes/widgets/homepage-rsvp.php - Added RSVP widget ajax submission * NEW: template-widgetized.php - Support for Stag Custom Sidebars plugin = 1.2.7: 20 November, 2013 = * style.css - Updated version number * includes/cpt/events.php - Fixed an issue where cpt slug was localized * includes/cpt/gallery.php - Fixed an issue where cpt slug was localized * includes/cpt/guestbook.php - Fixed an issue where cpt slug was localized * includes/cpt/rsvp.php - Fixed an issue where cpt slug was localized = 1.2.6: 09 November, 2013 = * style.css - Updated version number * page-templates/template-photo-gallery.php - Fix an issue with photo gallery returning as array on mobile = 1.2.5: 29 October, 2013 = ** This update ensures localisation strings and few tweaks in Admin Theme Options ** * style.css - Updated version number * assets/js/plugins.js * functions.php * includes/ - Replace all folders = 1.2.4: 22 October, 2013 = * style.css - Updated version number * includes/options/styling-options.php - Fixed an issue with Google Web Font = 1.2.3: 10 October, 2013 = * style.css - Updated styling for lightbox, updated version number * assets/css/lightbox.css - few tweaks in default styles * assets/js/lightbox.js - updated to latest version 2.6 * includes/widgets/homepage-gallery.php - fixed an issue with images on phones = 1.2.2: 09 October, 2013 = * style.css * Fix: Translation ready date output ( functions.php ) * Fix: Contact Page Template wrong label ( page-templates/template-contact.php ) * New: Updated Framework to v2.0.1 ( framework/ ) = 1.2.1: 01 October, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * functions.php - removed redundant code * single-events.php - removed redundant code * includes/metaboxes/event-metabox.php - change type from date to text * includes/widgets/homepage-gallery.php - fixed bugs * page-templates/template-photo-gallery.php - removed redundant code * framework/ - updated styling for admin metabox = 1.2: 24 September, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * NEW: StagFramework v2, Compatible and requires plugin StagTools to work * NOTE: Full replace of files and folder are required = 1.1.5: 18 September, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * functions.php - fixed an issue with wedding dates = 1.1.4: 14 September, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * framework/stag-admin-function.php - omit slashes * incldues/widgets/homepage-wedding-intro.php - omit slashes = 1.1.3: 02 July, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number, fixed a bug prevent Nixie One font to work * includes/widgets/twitteroauth.php - check for multiple instances = 1.1.2: 20 June, 2013 = ** Updated File(s) ** * style.css - updated version number * functions.php - removed Chirp.js script * includes/widgets/widget-twitter.php - more organised code * includes/widgets/homepage-tweets.php - support for twitter api v1.1 and new settings field for specifying tweets number. ** New File(s) ** * includes/widgets/twitteroauth.php = 1.1.1: 12 June, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * includes/widgets/widget-twitter.php - updated compatibility with twitter api v1.1 = 1.1: 25 May, 2013 = * style.css - updated version number * WordPress 3.6 Compatibility = 17 April, 2013 = * ** This version provides better compatibility with IE8 and 9.** * style.css - update version number, better compatibility with IE8,9 * includes/theme-customizer.php - Removed double columns before :before, causes an issue with * functions.php - Moved IE scripts to header.php = 14 March, 2013 = * Fixes small issue with countdown on iPad Portrait and Landscape Version ** Updated Files ** * style.css * includes/widgets/homepage-countdown.php = 1.0.1: 11 Mar, 2013 = * Fixed small issue with Gallery Modal navigation buttons alignment * style.css - Removed redundant CSS, few tweaks and fixes * includes/theme-customizer.php - Separated comma seperated pseudo selectors to avoid confict with IE8 * includes/styling-options.php - Fixed the wrong lable for Heading and Body Font * page.php - Fixed issue with double titles = 1.0.0: 03 March, 2013 = * Initial Release